Advanced Dentistry - Anthony J. Sidor, D.D.S., P.A.
Advanced Dentistry
Anthony J. Sidor, D.D.S., P.A.
225 South Plumosa St.
Merritt Island, FL 32952
Phone: +13214531890
Fax: (321) 453-1521
Using the latest in dental technology, our entire staff will work as a team to optimize our patient's oral health in a comfortable family atmosphere.
We pride ourselves on being a comprehensive general dentistry office where we can solve most of your dental needs. On occasion your needs may be too extensive for us to handle in our office. In those cases we have a very talented support group of specialists in each field that we can refer you to if necessary. All of our treatment and recommendations will be in your best interest and the absolute best way to treat your condition.
Latest Technology
Our office uses modern, state-of-the-art technology to enhance patient comfort and to help you get the smile you deserve!
* Computer Digital Radiography (CDR)
* DIAGNOdent
* Statim Cassette Sterilizers: Advanced sterilization system
* Ultrasonic Cleaning
* Prophy-Jet
* Advanced closed water system
* Computerized Medical History Forms
* Intraoral Camera
* Veneers
* White fillings
* Cosmetic Dentistry
- Bleaching (Whitening)
- Bonding
- Enamel Shaping (Contouring)
- Veneers
- Caps (Crowns)
- White fillings
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