Aesthetic Dentistry of Palm City
Aesthetic Dentistry of Palm City
2812 S.W. Mapp Road
Palm City, FL 34990
772-283-8350 (Office)
772-220-8750 (Fax)
We are pleased that you have taken the time to explore our site. We hope that you will find it informative, and that it will increase your awareness about our office and philosophy.
At Aesthetic Dentistry of Palm City, we are committed to excellence. Our goal is to deliver comprehensive, quality care, in a pleasant and comfortable setting.
Our team at Aesthetic Dentistry of Palm City is concerned for the well-being of our patients. We aim for excellent dental health and optimal aesthetics.
At Aesthetic Dentistry of Palm City, Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis give their patients something to smile about. From routine cleanings to teeth whitening procedures, porcelain laminate veneers and complex implant reconstructions, Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis have dedicated their professional careers to providing patients with the best that dentistry has to offer.
Because it is imperative to remain on the cutting edge of dentistry, they are often found traveling throughout the state and country to participate in advanced cosmetic hands-on courses, which utilize state-of-the-art techniques and materials.
One of the most popular procedures provided at Aesthetic Dentistry of Palm City is "The Simple Makeover", an extraordinarily unique technique. Each patient is different: lips are different, cheeks are different, eyes are different and teeth are different. The Simple Makeover is individually customized so that patients receive a smile that is not only unique and beautiful, it is their very own.
With dentistry rapidly advancing, Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis believe it is their obligation to advance with the profession and give their patients what they deserve – “The absolute best that dentistry has to offer.â€
