Family Dentistry
Family Dentistry
Richard Carpenter, D.D.S.
12036 Cobblestone Drive
Hudson, FL 34667
About Us
Welcome to our website. We hope that you find it helpful and informative. Dr. Carpenter has been serving the dental needs of West Pasco/Hernando since 1983. We are sure that you would feel comfortable in our modern, attractive facility. We have a friendly, courteous staff who's mission is to make our patients feel relaxed and confident. Whatever your dental needs or desires, Dr. Carpenter can offer you the very best that modern dentistry has to offer.
Browse our site to learn more about us and if you still have unanswered questions, please give us a call. We would be honored if you chose us to help you with your dental needs.
In an effort to improve our level of care for our patients, we have, for some time now, been utilizing some of the advantages of modern technology including:
•Digital X-ray pictures which dramatically decrease radiation exposure time and improve comfort level.
•"The Wand" - a computer operated anesthetic delivery system in response to the universal dislike of "needles".
•"Mini" implants for denture stabilization which don't require the usual surgical approach, minimizing discomfort and expense.
•"Invisalign" orthodontics for suitable cases which are very esthetic - no metal brackets or wires.
As always, our goal is to provide the best possible service in as pleasant a manner as possible.
