Galeano Orthodontics
Galeano Orthodontics

150 Pine Ave. N., Suite A
Oldsmar, FL 34677
Phone: 813-855-8505
Fax: 813-855-7307

Dr. Galeano is a specialist in orthodontics with private practices in Tampa and Oldsmar, Florida. He specializes in creating beautiful smiles for children and adults.

Early Treatment

The American Association of orthodontists recommends that every child have an initial orthodontic screening appointment at age seven. Early Treatment or two phase orthodontic treatment is a treatment approach in which the child receives orthodontic treatment at two different stages in their development. The first Phase, when needed, is usually performed at seven or eight years of age during their early transitional dentition when the child has most of his primary teeth.

* Children's Treatment
* Adult Treatment
* Invisalign
* Braces
* Retention
* Surgical Orthodontics
* Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE)

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