The Family Dentist
The Family Dentist

5055 S. Lakeland Dr.
Lakeland, FL 33813
Phone: 863-647-3222
Fax: 863-644-0577

At The Family Dentist, we are just that ... a complete one-stop for all of your family's dental needs. We provide an array of services ranging from a young child's anxious first visit and cleaning to an adult's routine dental work and cleanings.


* Teeth Whitening
* Tooth-colored Restorative Materials
* Cosmetic Smile Makeover
* Implant Dentistry
* Dentures
* Complex Full-Mouth Restorations

If you’re putting off your dental visit because of fear, memories of past tooth pain or even budget worries, The Family Dentist is what you’ve been waiting for. We understand dental fears ­ we calm them every day. We understand cosmetic worries ­ we fix them all the time. We even understand budget woes ­ and we work with you to keep you smiling long term. So if your dental care is on hold, call The Family Dentist today. You deserve a smile that just won’t quit.

Copyright 2003 The Family Dentist.
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