Zrallack Dental
Zrallack Dental
2670 Garden St
Titusville, FL 32796
Phone: (321) 267-7970
Fax: (321) 264-9289
Email: zrallack@bellsouth.net
Zrallack Dental is a Family oriented Dental practice that offers Quality Dental Care at a reasonable price. The Office provides a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. Our professional and friendly staff is among the best in the business. Our kind staff truly cares for our patients and will help even the most apprehensive patients relax in total comfort. We are open Monday through Friday with convenient hours and reasonable prices. We have three dentists on staff and take pride in our ability to see patients on time with no waiting. We have openings for new patients and can see emergencies the same day. We treat patients of all ages including children. We receive letters from our patients on a regular basis commending our commitment to providing a pleasurable patient experience at our office and would like to share on of the most recent letters with you from one of our lovely patients.
Zrallack Dental provides a broad range of services including General Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, Preventative Maintenance and Patient education. We treat patients of all ages including children. We provide the following services:
1. Diagnostic Examinations--evaluating existing conditions to determine the required dental treatment. This includes initial oral examination, complete x-ray survey, and cavity-detecting bite-wing x--rays, comprehensive periodontal exam, comprehensive tooth by tooth evaluation, cancer screening and teeth cleaning.
2. Preventive Care--taking care to avoid or minimize the risk of serious abnormalities and diseases. Examples: prophylaxis (or teeth cleaning), space maintainers, and topical application of fluoride.
3. Corrective Treatment--working to ensure optimal dental health. Examples: amalgam, and composite resin fillings, procelain, gold restoration and crowns.
4. Oral Surgery--performing tooth extraction and other oral surgery including preoperative and postoperative care.
5. Cosmetic--teeth bleaching and whitening, In house and take home whitening systems, veneers, crowns and tooth colored fillings.
6. Crowns and Dentures--constructing, replacing, or repairing of fixed bridges, removable partial dentures, complete dentures, crowns, and implant restorations.
7. Root Canals--Removal of nerve tissue inside teeth.
